Premier: The Prefab Messiahs – 21st Century Failure (single)
Out officially on Friday, Mass.’s own Prefab Messiahs releases their latest catchy single, “21st Century Failure.” It’s two-and-a-half minutes of psychedelic hooks,…
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Out officially on Friday, Mass.’s own Prefab Messiahs releases their latest catchy single, “21st Century Failure.” It’s two-and-a-half minutes of psychedelic hooks,…
Previously London-based with bassist Billy Easter now mostly residing in Los Angeles and guitarist Rachel Aggs and drummer Andrew Milk now based…
In an internet world where access to music is instant and robust (and has been for a good long while), it is…
If interest and support of ska can be measured in how many people go to screenings of Pick It Up! Ska in…
'90s ska documentary screens at Somerville Theatre on 8/24 at 7:30 PM
The title of Boston rock band Awaaz Do’s upcoming self-release – Beyond Borders – is a fitting name for their album, and…
Golden Slug’s album Love Pain is a phenomenal first release from this Western MA punk band. Allow me to gush. Self-described as 中文朋克…
There’s something very special about going to a show where you’re excited to see every single band on the bill. Last Thursday’s…