Now Entering: The Trash Rabbit Renaissance
Boston-based band Trash Rabbit hashes it out for the Boston Hassle, speaking on their origins as a band, the Boston DIY music scene, and what surprises one should expect at a Trash Rabbit concert.
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Boston-based band Trash Rabbit hashes it out for the Boston Hassle, speaking on their origins as a band, the Boston DIY music scene, and what surprises one should expect at a Trash Rabbit concert.
Jordana (pronounced Jor-DAN-uh) talks self worth, social media struggles, and finding comfort in Gumby.
With the arrival of her new single, “Alice,” Kelsey Blackstone reflects on the circumstances behind the tune, and how following the white rabbit can truly be a gamble.
Isa Ansin, aka chrysalis, discusses their new EP, growing into themselves, and lifting others up through music.
Should I stay or should I go? This classic question (most notably posed by The Clash), continues to plague people everywhere—perhaps most…
As the title of the opening track suggests, THE SHIFTERS have hit the “Right Stuff” with their newest album, Open Vault. Exploring…