8/26 @ Muthership(JP)/ Spiked Punch (Austin), Spooktober, The G-Spots, and KC Solaris (eletronic looping improv act)
8/26 @ Studio 54(Allston) – fagettes, dirty virgins, beware the dangers of a ghost scorpion
8/26 @ Lizard Lounge/ Joe Pernice
8/26 @ Midway/ Thick Shakes, The Craters, Naga Gaga, Sara Lee
8/26 @ Coolidge Corner Theater/ A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS(1987) Directed by Chuck Russell
8/ 27 @ Whitehaus(JP)/ Brian Ellis is GOING AWAY w/ Chris North and dance party with DJ PJ’s
8/27 @ Democracy Center/ Death Rats, Static Violence, & Skult
8/28 @ Great Scott/ PELLY TWINS present…Big Nils (from Northampton), Arvid Noe, Saralee, Total Slacker