12/2 @ Jaques/ Bay Village/ the Inhalers, the Furiosity, the Pink Parts
12/2 @ the Magic Room/ Mark Sultan(of King Khan and BBQ Show), the Sinbusters, Squall
12/2 @ the Whitehaus/ the Keys(montreal), the Meadowlarks, Laura Jorgenson Band ALL AGES
12/2 @ Tardis House/ The New and Very Welcome, Antennae Wedding, Mike Debenectis, Church Tongue ALL AGES
12/2 @ Wonderland Ballroom/ Revere/ EYEHATEGOD, Doomriders, Livver, Raw Radar War, Fresh Kill ALL AGES
12/2 @ Middle East Downstairs/ Barrence Whitfield and the Savages, Nervous Eaters, Satin Kittens
12/2 @ Great Scott/ Earthquake Party
12/2 @ Ralph’s Diner/ Worcester/ The Jitters, The Fagettes, Radio Control & Cooling Towers
12/2 @ Wacky Castle/ Elder, Queen Elephantine, Olde Growth, Woozy
[email protected]
12/2 @ Harvard Film Archive/ THE LAST LETTER(2002) Directed by Frederick Wiseman w/ the director IN PERSON
12/2-12/3 @ Coolidge Corner Theater @ MIDNITE/ CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON(in 3-D)(1954) Directed by Jack Arnold ALL AGES
12/2-12/3 @ Coolidge Corner Theater @ MIDNITE/ E.T.(1982) Directed by Steven Speilberg ALL AGES
12/2-12/3 @ Brattle Theater/ TALES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE(2009) directed by Cristian Mungiu
12/3 @ Starlab/ Existence Establishment presents… Nypdene D, Pregnant Spore, Sharpwaist, Bereft, Organ Trio(mems of Guerilla Toss) ALL AGES
12/3 @ MIT Chapel/ Non-Event presents… Florian Hecker ALL AGES
12/3 @ Precinct/ Hands and Knees, the Fagettes, Yoni Gordon, Diamond Mines
12/3 @ Aviary/ Manners, Baby Names, Jason Nichols ALL AGES
12/3 @ Obriens/ Future Carnivores, Chaparrals, Golden Retriever
12/3 @ Democracy Center/ MaxLevineEnsemble//Inhalers//PeepleWatchin//TallTales ALL AGES
12/3 @ Machines With Magnets/ Providence, RI/ Animal Hospital Ensemble(featuring members of Neptune, Debo Band, Marconi, Ho-Ag, Summerduck, and many more) ALL AGES
12/3-12/4 @ Harvard Bookstore Warehouse/ Somerville, MA/ Harvard Bookstore Warehouse Sale
12/3-12/4 @ Paramount Center/ THE AFRICAN QUEEN(1951) Directed by John Huston
12/4 @ Mass Art(Pozen Center)/ Animal Hospital Ensemble(featuring members of Neptune, Debo Band, Marconi, Ho-Ag, Summerduck, and many more) ALL AGES
12/4 @ Radio/ Shepherdess, Bunny’s A Swine, Ladybust
12/4 @ Brattle Theater/ Baltimore Annex Theater presents… Brecht/Weil’s THREE PENNY OPERA ALL AGES
12/4 @ Middle East Upstairs/ Tallahassee
12/4 @ Harvard Film Archive/ THE MYSTERY OF PICASSO(1956) Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
GO TO: Go (1999) dir. Doug Liman