REVIEW: The Booksellers (2019) dir. D.W. Young
Now available from the Coolidge Virtual Screening Room
Now available from the Coolidge Virtual Screening Room
This Friday, BU, Emerson, and UMass students will come together to read their poems and short stories in this inter-mfa reading series.
Lisa Goren uses painting to evoke her time spent near both poles. Global warming and the fragility of these frozen worlds are…
Dr. Jessica N. Pabón-Colón released her first book, “Graffiti Grrlz: Performing Hip Hop Diaspora”. Join in on a reading and book signing to…
Practice Space in Cambridge is introducing its first published chapbook. Gillian Osborne will be reading a few poems from the book.
Zora Neale Hurston shares excerpts from her books.
The tenderness of love and the harsh reality of sheer existence, the warmth of memory and the pain of remembrance.
July 14th 7:00 pm Poetry Reading Elise Paschen Elise Paschen is the author of The Nightlife, Bestiary, Infidelities (winner of the…
June 26th 7:00 pm Poetry Reading Karen L. Alenier and Fred Marchant Karen LaLonde Alenier is the author of six previous collections…
Reading with Words Eddy Toussaint Tontongi, Grace Talusan, Toni Bee, Gilmore Tamny Tuesday May 2, 2017 Arts at the Armory Cafe 7:30…
When I saw that PERMANENT SLEEP PRESS put out a poetry collection entitled What Else We Could Be Doing by an author named Dan Darrah,…
Multilingual and Monosyllabic