GO TO: Aliens (1986) dir. James Cameron
Screens on 35mm 4/21 @ Coolidge
Screens on 35mm 4/21 @ Coolidge
2022's US Releases
Never bet against Jim.
The fact that this film exists at all is depressing, but at least it’s not a disaster. Terminator 2: Judgment Day provided…
Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 dir. James Cameron 137 min Part of the ongoing series: Heavy Metal: Killer Robots at the Movies
Enter Kathryn Bigelow’s 1995 film Strange Days on its wavelength, and a fire will ignite in your stomach. You’ll be revolted, excited, cowed, and…
For a director who’s been active and well-known for over three decades, James Cameron’s legacy has been far more fluid than most….
8/5-8/27 @COOLIDGE