REVIEW: Blood & Gold (2023) dir. Peter Thorwarth
Streaming on Netflix Friday, 5/26
Streaming on Netflix Friday, 5/26
Screens on 35mm 5/20 @ Coolidge - Intro by Kay Lynch!
Horrorland is a column within Cinema Quarantino, the Hassle’s ongoing series of alternative streaming picks for the self-quarantined and the socially…
Recently, the ultimate king of trashy midnight cinema John Waters stated that the “midnight movie is dead.” And who could blame him?…
Having locked away an Academy Award for Best Film Editing with The Hurt Locker (2009) and made a career out of working…
Screening 1/23 @Coolidge After Midnite Practically an ad for its great filmic forbear, Vanishing Point (1971), Death Proof (2007) is a ridiculously…
7/15 @ Brattle, 8PM
See Robert Rodriguez’ Planet Terror and Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof as they were meant to be seen: back to back, with fake…