“Artists and creatives have been making this place a lot more interesting”
“Artists and creatives have been making this place a lot more interesting”
Sometimes in politics, you want to pay attention to who isn’t running. That’s certainly the case in Boston’s D-3 race.
The artist’s new show, ‘Cookout,’ looks at life (and heaven) through the lens of shared meals
During the COVID-19 pandemic there’s been a surge in the use of platforms like Netflix and Hulu, plus TikTok exploding in popularity…
According to TinkerHell, one of the Boston Arm Wrestling Dames ringers, “There is so much that goes into the art of the…
The Bay State has a fraught history of sentencing people to serve life without parole. Now lawmakers have a chance to end…
Your Scam-Free, Monopoly-Free Guide to Scoring Local Tickets
Given all that, running news outlets as nonprofits is no panacea for the many problems besetting American journalism. It’s actually a difficult option that isn’t necessarily morally superior to running a for-profit news outlet. And how could it be otherwise? Having a board and a membership does not automatically result in more independence for news nonprofits in our capitalist political economic system. Especially if their members are inactive and their boards are more interested in placating donors than doing the kind of take-no-prisoners journalism that their staff journalists often want to do.
When she read her first poem, she really couldn’t believe that people were willing to sit silently through it and clap at the end. It just seemed impossible, but also, secretly, it was the thing she wanted more than anything else—not just to speak and be heard, but to be a part of a community where people spoke and were heard.
More than 1,500 au pairs came to Massachusetts in 2017...
This week I met up with Somervillains Mini Dresses in Harvard Square to ask them a little bit about their sound, summer…