Baton down your hatches: there’s a raging storm of heavy jams coming in from Providence! Sediment Club and Power Masters are touring the Northeast together, and tonight they’re teaming up with the riff-rippers of Funeral Cone to please your ears. Sediment Club‘s swirling no-wave sound is layered with slippery basslines, glistening string noise, and freakout beats that are sure to grab you by the ankles. Power Masters cranks up the crunch with swinging, sleazy, spastic licks that are some sort of beautiful hybrid of stoner rock and psychedelia. And Funeral Cone drenches crashing hardcore beats in piercing synth and hacking guitar – it’s loud, it’s fast, and it’s just what you need. Get out to JP, support some righteous touring bands, and get stoked on these awesome sounds.
8:30 p.m. // All Ages // Donate