Its finally here! RAW MEET, that sonic smorgasbord of freaky sounds returns to the SBC in Lower Allston. For those new to the game, Raw Meet is a mini fest of psychotic proportions, with over 20 performers of endless variety of subterranean curiosity -deep synth techno-droners, mellow warped groovers and noisey found-sound improvisers play back-to-back-to-back in an endless stream of bewildering sounds and sights. With 15 minutes per set, you’ll never be bored in this whirlwind of the unusual. Curated by freak beat genius Mark Johnson (BANG! BROS., Hunnie Bunnies), this event marks the 11th in his series, and the last in Boston (at least for a while), as Mr. Johnson moves on to cheaper pastures. Strech out your ear drums, and come celebrate something special at this convergence of the uncooked! Click HERE for more information, including a full list of performers.
6:30pm // All Ages // Donate