Step into a bizzaro psychedelic time machine on Saturday night at GREAT SCOTT with these awesome bands.
Boston flower power romanitics QUILT return from a massive US tour to promote their mellow yellow Held in Splendor (Mexican Summer). They are like a perfect misty day-dream with beautifully haunting harmonies with a psych-folk feel. CREATUROS are a sharp guitar driven swamp monster that plays in the background of all your best summer night adventures. DOUG TUTTLE, former leader of now-defunct Vermonters Mmmoss, is trapped in a Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds hangover, a hall of mirrors kaledeiscope of disorienting pop. New York’s WEYES BLOOD delivers some medieval dirges sung low and powerful voice, echoing over shambling stark arrangements.
You could waste your time talking about how these bands are some sort of 60’s psych revival, or you get your butt down to the show and have a great time. What would you rather do?
9PM // 21+ // $9
(photo by Joe Difazio)