When curious ears lead you beyond the beaten path of musical styles, where genre names and stale concepts fall away, there you will find NON-EVENT, Boston’s premiere purveyors of the unconventional and idiosyncratic in live musical performance. They often bring in international artists of wide repute, thankfully balanced by an intimate focus on New England’s vigorous and versatile community of envelope-pushers and concept-deconstructers. TONIGHT they veer towards the latter with a much deserved night at Brookline’s Cafe Fixe, dedicated to Whitehaus Family Record fat cat, tape-obsessive mad professor and proud papa ARKM FOAM. Veteran of free-form yes-wavers Peace, Loving and acid-raddled jazz beaters BANG! BROS, as well as a frequent collaborator with other local denizens of free improv, Foam’s sonic adventurism bursts out in all directions, never to be pinned down. Lately he’s focused generating quiet, granular grooves out of unconventional instruments (hand fan, burning incense, empty tape recorder, etc), channeling the energy therein and converting it into something more.
Catch this friendly, earthy weirdo warbler (now living in western MA), grab a strongly roasted esspresso, and let the gurggling calvalcade send you floating gently down-river
8pm // All Ages // $5