- September BLACK MARKET – Sunday the 20th @Camb. Comm. Ctr.
Back to school? Nah, back to black. (Market). Yes, the bimonthly black market is back! Come to the Cambridge Community Center (5 Callender St., off Western) to support local vendors and pick up the very best in Boston vintage, records, art, zines, crafts and so much more. The Black Market is a great way to involve yourself in the community, get to know folks and add to your sick record collection (you’ll remember to get a player, someday, maybe). So what are you waiting for? Set aside some time on September 20th for a market trip.
- Future Fest Four in Brattleboro, VT – Sept. 3-6
Brattleboro has a very groovy arts scene, fostered by our brothers-in-arms The Future Collective. This is their flagship festival and, just like we do with Hasslefest, they also pack in the sickest artist/musicians that they can muster, including many local luminaries worth seeking out. Check that FB-Event page if you don’t believe me. So, borrow your parents’ car, book a cheap bus ticket, just be sure not to miss this landmark event just a few hours drive into the wild West.
- It’s OUT!
The Boston Compass celebrates its #68 issue with “ITS OUT” a monthly compass Release Party!!! Work from local artists Jae Wood, Angelica Aguilera and Eric (Eab) Baldelli. Live music by Kal Marks (solo) and Judy Chong. An encore area-screening of Home Grown Shorts (curated by Rene Dongo). Free food and drink courtesy of Trader Joe’s. All MC’ed by the one and only Angela Sawyer of Weirdo Records fame @Boston HI Hostel 8PM All Ages FREE $5-10 donation appreciated
- The Channels – Disposable Camera
Bass-forward 3-piece The Channels wah-wah their way into our hearts with the newly-minted, prepared-guitar masterpiece Disposable Camera. Don your best headphones and let this harsh-noise funk thump right through your braincase like a rampaging alien mastadon. Yo! Why is my nose bleeding? That’d be Mr Fede’s ill mixology, almost like being at a show…oh yeah…they should be back from tour by now so you can pick up a physical at one of their live performances. Recommended for fans of Arab on Radar and shoegazey noise-rockers generally.
Not just a documentary my friends, it’s a whole freakin’ movement now! Just a few days ago Hampton Beach (NH) got their own quiet weekend of equal-opportunity torso freedom (we hope it was quiet) and we think that’s nice…like in Nice, on the Mediterranean Sea. French folks don’t freak out when they see a booby. What are we, 12? Come on America…the Puritans are all long dead! We have a chance to lead the way here, and all we have to do is be chill.
- STRANDBEEST: The Dream Machines of Theo Jansen @The Peabody Essex, Sept. 19 – Jan 3
For years, Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests have roamed the Dutch seaside, making us dream of our ancient origins and the strange, miraculous creatures that inhabit this world with us and within us. Part sculpture and part performance, found at the intersection of art and science, the Strandbeests are self-propelled creatures that wander beaches and fields and, as of August 28th, Boston City Hall. The Strandbeests will be finding their first major American home at the Peabody Essex museum from 9/19 – 1/3 for an exhibition featuring the sculptures, movement demonstrations, sketches and a hall of Strandbeest “fossils”.