To add to the MADNESS that is TONIGHT(see: our posts about FLESTIVUS & RAW MEET 3 below), we have to weird and wonderful, strange and invigorating events that you need to know about that are happening in our great city tonight.
First off, hero to tens of thousands, purveyor of bad taste, innovator of gross, great film director(PINK FLAMINGOS, DESPERATE LIVING, SERIAL MOM, HAIRSPRAY…will we ever see a new film from him??), and personal role model JOHN WATERS bring his Christmas themed one man show, “A John Water’s Christmas” to the Berklee Performance Center tonight. To say that this man and his philosophies on art have had an effect on us here at BOSTON HASSLE would be a sad understatement. I don’t know what he’s doing at this show or what the hell else is going on, but try to get out to see him tonight. He’ll be hilarious and disarming, and he’ll probably share a few anecdotes about his favorite town in Massachusetts, Provincetown.
READ: An interview in the BOSTON GLOBE about this show.
Secondly, the funny people at the UNION SQ. ROUNDTABLE are putting on an interactive show of some kind tonight called: Holiday Heck House: Sleep Noël More. And yes, it is apparently, really a Christmas themed haunted house followed by the more usual joking and drinking that happens at their shows. This goes down @ SPONTANEOUS CELEBRATIONS in JP.