Open your ears… Do you hear the faint whisper of warm tonal psychedelic happiness and feel a tingling itch to answer this call? Simply ask yourself if you are ready to crawl into the depths of ye beloved Lower Allston and feast upon the spectacle of sounds that is happening TONIGHT. Prepare to be dazzled by the mysterious pulsating electronic beats of Solar Pelvis. Be graced by floating and enchanting dream-pop courtesy of Couples Counseling. As the night progresses, consider it your duty to ring in the end of SnoTour ’14 and welcome the whoopee fun synth-pop party of Spooky Dangerfield. The illustrious Dreamhaus bb Little Spoon is also rounding out their tour by bringing experimental dreamgaze slumberstroll pillow-pop and some special songs off the new album Girl Friend Forever coming out soon. Just when you thought the night couldn’t get any more regal, the royalty that is Lord Nathaniel is set to polish off the night with his super stellar video-game majestic “dancelectricacoustics.” This show will be an exquisite experience you won’t want to miss. Therefore, follow your ears, eyes, hearts, souls, and anything else that leads you to the SBC haven of happiness tonight
8pm // All Ages // $5 suggested donation