WOOLLEN KITS make their way to Cambridge’s Plough and Stars on saturday night to play with the like minded HEADBAND and CUFFS. Their appearance on these shores continues the Australian invasion of underground music that has been going down for a couple of years now. And what have we in this Melbourne band? A keeping it simple, letting the vocal and guitar melodies take the lead approach is what they bring to the table, and happily for them, and us, they have the knack. Sporting two vocalists can always be a dicey game to play. But it works for WOOLLEN KITS as each of their singers has a distinct, pleasant voice; one cops a Calvin Johnson baritone space, the other a more nasal sing song yelp. They’ve come to the U.S. with a new LP under their arm that has just been self released. This follows a couple 7″s on labels like R.I.P. SOCIETY. The LP is full of the stripped down indie garage pop that this gang is so very adept at pulling off. “Out of Whack” would fit pretty much right alongside the songs on BLANK REALM’s new 7″ which we mentioned the other day. It’s a sunshine day pop tune, fitting coming from the land of FLYING NUN. The baritone takes a backseat here providing the backing vocals, while the other singer somewhat snottily says what he’s got to say over a full on jangle guitar, and bouncy rhythm section. Coming all the way from Australia, if you don’t see them now, who knows when you’ll get another shot??