Getting out there will not be a problem if you can get out to the Whitehaus tonight to take in the awesome and full slate of weird and experimental musics set to take place. KILLER BOB arrives from NYC with a skronk filled experimental set replete with yelling, the aforementioned skronks of a woodwind nature, and some all over the place out rock moments. Watch the vids below these guys are mind blowing. Connecticut’s NAGUAL will add some special droning moments to the proceedings while NOMS, #A#, and others make this taste an awful lot like Allston. Whitehaus gives you presents of wonderful sounds always.
DONATE 8pm All Ages
REMEMBER WHEN’T THERE: Lunch With Swirlies @ Johnny Brenda’s (Philly) 7/23/11
A hometown tour finale brings my first Swirlies show to mind