It’s finally one of those classic summer Thursdays – the stuff of sultry, nostalgic ballads – so head out to TT’s tonight and indulge that “almost-through-the-week” feeling with some powerful tunes! The Milling Gowns have a sound as quaintly enigmatic as their name, riffing chunky guitar, steady drum beats, and syrupy vocals to create beautifully gloomy jams that a sad piece of moss might listen to with its other sad moss friends. Velah‘s rockin’ the rotary tones, offering a complex-metered, pop-ier take on shoegaze complete with oohs and aahs that will haunt you long after their songs end. Future Carnivores is releasing their new CD tonight – it’s sure to be full of smooth vocal harmonies, reverb-ed guitar dreams, and stringy bass, so pick one up quick. And Soft Pyramids will close this dynamite show with their signature stretched-out sound, at once both upbeat and melancholy; if The Milling Gowns play “moss-music”, then Soft Pyramids play “granite-music” – cool and slick and highly polished. Come out and rock out to this perfect soundtrack to breezy summer nights!
8:30 pm // 18+ // $8