Head on down to the good ole’ Cambridge Elk Lodge for the beginning of what has now become a sick community tradition, SMASH IT DEAD FEST. Started in 2011 as a fundraiser for the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC), this festival now features a weekend’s worth of continually awesome punk bands, workshops, and discussions, centering around the the topic of sexual assault. Opening night will include sets by angsty and angry 90s offsprings POTTY MOUTH, Chicago’s ambient, yet in-your-face electronic trio THE BREATHING LIGHT, self described “fast and loud Conneticrusters” CONSUMPTION, super heavy n’ fuzzy sludge rockers GROKE, and short burst, super strength jammers DREAM WARRIOR. Night 1 is set to kick things off in a big way. Stay tuned for a full weekend of good music for a good cause (If you’re interested in helping out, click HERE for more info)
7PM $5-$10 Sliding All Ages