Remember that show? You know, that industry social at GREAT SCOTT where EYE DESIGN showed you a real night on the town? Well TONIGHT, the same brain cells behind that show have decided to “F**K THE SUPER BOWL, LET’S DANCE!” Usually I love yelling at a screen and crushing PBR Light cans on my head, but the line-up for this show has changed my mind. It is confirmed that RAVI SHAVI has no connection to the late Shankar, but has strong ties to dance parties. These gang vocal, blown out pop songs are sure to keep your feet moving. I have to admit, the first time I listened the this song by DYLAN EWEN, I forgot that Boston is constantly flirting with negative temperatures. Think punchy organ. Think handclaps. Think summer. JESUS VIO‘s surfy guitar jams would make the best prom. I mean, my “senior song” was Gettin’ Jiggy with It. That’s crap. Jesus knows what’s up. The kids at EVERYDAYISAMIXTAPE will be filling in the gaps and playing the night away, make sure your feet never, ever, get a rest. If this show isn’t enough to get your mind off of the missed Super Bowl halftime double-shots of flavored vodka, I don’t know what will.
9pm // 21+ // $7
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qnj6oRVq-g]