The heavenly melodies meets garage rock concoction that Banditas have going on is most sweet. They bring it to Obrien’s tonight to play with Memphis’ garage rocking(while wearing blindfolds! WHAT?!)The Vignettes in their first ever Boston show. The William Stull One Man Band, also from Memphis(and yes a real deal garage rock one man band), joins in as well as local garage rockers, The Roaches. Last, but sooooo not least, and probably the Boston area’s best garage punk band, White Pages is also on the bill! Remember the Showcase Showdown? You better believe that White Pages does, and if your answer to my question is NO then you really need to get your shit together and learn you some Showcase Showdown, one of best Boston punk bands EVER(and you know that’s saying something). Check below for sneaky previews of future records from Banditas and White Pages…
21+ $7 9pm