Awesome Tapes From Africa has a pretty stellar reputation as basically the best spot on the web for, well, awesome music from Africa. The site’s main mayng Brian Shimkovitz collects all the coolest grooves coming out of the birthplace of humanity,from Marrakech to Cape Town, Conkary to Mogadishu, and shares them for the sake of your mind-expansion. Tonight, he brings this unrivaled shrimpitude to Spectacle in JP in the form of an ALL-CASSETTE DJ SET featuring, we’re sure, more sick African sounds than your mind has the capability to handle. Don’t worry, you’ll be dancing so hard you’ll forget your consciousness has melted. And if all that ain’t enough, our own local champs of African funk, Debo Band will be rocking an instrumental set with a 100% chance of changing your life. 8pm All Ages.