Deep in the heart of art school territory along that cold corridor known as Huntington Ave. there is a space that you can step into at almost any time and have your senses stimulated thoroughly. No it is not a massage parlor, but rather the performance and exhibition space known as Yes.Oui.Si., and it is a special place. Having hosted countless exhibitions and concerts in its short life the space is well known in some circles, but have you been? If not, then you have a good reason to go tonight, if so, well then, you are probably already going. KATZE, a noisy experimental duo of violin, voice and electronics will be there. And Boston Hassle favs FUNNY MONEY, who also lean heavily in an experimental direction their hand firmly resting upon the free jazz throttle will also be there in action. Epistasis, and Dog Suicide complete this bill of noisy, eye opening sounds. Test your boundaries. Yes.Oui.Si. is always a good place to begin the process of redefining oneself. All Ages.
REMEMBER WHEN’T THERE: Lunch With Swirlies @ Johnny Brenda’s (Philly) 7/23/11
A hometown tour finale brings my first Swirlies show to mind