It’s the first day of the shortest, weirdest month of the year, is there really any other reasonable way to celebrate than going footloose to a couple tried and trued Boston bands? The answer is no. Come on down to the Democracy Center to hear the musings of Allston’s Bedroom Eyes as they serenade you sonically with the news that your life is defined by malaise, but still sounds pretty damn good. Stay to for the Strange Managers to pick up your spirits with a a more melodic, yet still disparate punch. Paths and Jonesing (not referring to the marks of your arm) will kick up the tempo of the night like an ex whose not afraid to tell you how he still feels. Rounding the night out are emotive Lowell-based The Lonely Machines, who will make you feel like you are the world’s best/worst prom -a prom where the only attendees are bedraggled member of Cure tribute bands.
7pm // All Ages // $7-$10 sliding scale