When I saw the cover of this 7″ from QUANGO, I immediately assumed this was some sort of long lost band that had sadly slipped through my UK punk radar. After learning that QUANGO are in fact a current band, I was still somewhat in disbelief of this fact while listening to it. I swear it’s straight of 1978, and I even kept searching the Internet to be sure that I wasn’t mistaken. This is UK punk, the way it was meant to be played in the 70s, bèing played now. I love the way these recordings sound, they’re just demos from a session in the garage, but what else will do for something like this? In “Fatality” much of the words are spoken rather than sung, a screechy haunting guitar part plays throughout while the rhythm section keeps this song on track. The other songs are a bit more straightforward, and everything is raw and gritty, exactly like it should sound. THIS RECORD IS ESSENTIAL. BUY IT NOW and file it away with the rest of your classics.
GO TO: Go (1999) dir. Doug Liman