Fast Apple are at it again, welcoming in yet another interstate act with the support of local faces, all while spicing up the Kitchen with a pungent spectrum of punk and peculiar.
Making their way up from Nashville are Cy Barkley and the Way Outsiders, a garage punk group steaming off the release of their sophomore LP. Their typically brief songs often blur the boundaries between punk rock pummeling and garage rock bounce, and their live show is sure to mix up your urges to either shove or shake it.
A trio of local flavor will be on hand to help these southerners feel right at home. Lude Boys look to tap into the same adrenaline vein with their back to the basics punk rock, while Free Pizza crash the burger bash with their endearing off-kilter guitar pop. All of this too conventional for you? Skimask can take care of that, forgoing the traditional in favor of warped vocals, psycho drums and a tried and true nightmarish swagger. Welcome them back from tour at this Monday night feast in the heart of Harvard.
9pm // 21+ // $5