BANDSPEAK, Interview, Upcoming Boston Hassle Shows

DJ Evergreen takes the stand

Then on sunday DJ Evergreen streams on the Hassle Plague Series @ 8pm on the Hassle Youtube Channel


more info on the stream here /////////////// stream happens here on the Hassle’s Youtube channel /////////////////

Dan Shea:

So you’re in Allston, how are pandemic times in the Rat City?

DJ Evergreen:
Times are absolutely mad!! I’m in school so there’s online class to attend (reading Russian prose classics), lots of music projects that need working on, and my family just got two rescue kittens so there’s never a dull moment.

DJ Evergreen, is this a project that performs much live?

This particular project only just came to fruition during quarantine so I’ve only done two little practice live-streams. This is the first real one! If anyone wants me to remote DJ their event hit me up 🙂

I’m sorry to ask, kind of, but when do you think we’ll be going to shows with lots of other people again (I’m not into this socially distanced show shit)?

Don’t be sorry! As soon as there is a reliable vaccine (that makes me immune and also unable to spread). I can’t even imagine what it’s gonna be like, I miss it all dearly. Here’s to the future renaissance.

How are YOU not going nuts?

I am going nuts. The other night I dreamt that there was a party going on in a courtyard below my window. A bunch of people I wished I’d gotten to know better from various walks of life were all there; I could see they were all smiling and laughing. I tried to put my shoes on and run down to be with them but suddenly I was overcome by anxiety and started shaking so hard I couldn’t even get them on my feet. Then I woke up. In all seriousness I’ve stayed sane by keeping myself busy; practicing a lot of guitar, finishing a bunch of music projects, reading, and taking care of the cat herd (four cats right now).

What can we expect from your stream? Parting words?

Just short of 30 minutes of electronic music I made over the summer. Thank you everyone fighting for justice and equality all around the world!! Stay safe; keep the hearth in your heart warm and toasty for the coming winter.

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