INTERVIEW: Director Kelsey Egan on ‘THE FIX’ and Engaging with Criticism
"YouTube and TikTok are the demise of cinema"
"YouTube and TikTok are the demise of cinema"
"[Fred Durst] felt sort of foundational to some degree."
"We just found people that wanted to support art, which I think is the future of indie filmmaking"
"People are seeking something new."
"This is how history continues its ongoing dialogue with the present."
"At the time, it was both barrels point blank from all the critics. They couldn't kill it enough."
"When you're acting, if you receive the right energy, you can keep going."
'Six Films by Jan Egleson' screen 10/4-10/6 @ Brattle
"Trusting the audience is so important."
"I was working as an actor for twenty years and now it feels like people are honestly interested in what I am doing."
"I cannot think of a fictional story that eclipses the extraordinary quality of real life."
"It felt like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest meets a Michel Gondry film."