How bout this for musical fusion: two excellent monthly DIY music/performance gatherings combine forces for an all day spectacle of sweetness and light. Chillith Fair, the all female night curated by Whitehaus alumnus Kate Lee (Gracious Calamity, Peace, Loving), invades Cheap Seats, the fast-paced, free-form soiree that routinely blurs the line between performer and audience. When these two powerful entities fuse together, spark alight!
Mosey on down to the Cambridge YMCA Theatre (Central Square) for CHILLITH SEATS, this day-long fiesta of talented women (and women-fronted groups), and let it shatter once and for all that old cliched conception that there arnt enough ladies rockin’ out. There’s something for everyone at todays events – soft spoken folk strummers, socially conscious verbal slammers, big band crooners, noisy weirdo warblers and so on and so forth, from the early afternoon late until the night. Who knows – maybe you’ll be inspired to join in the festivities. With so many sweet smiling faces, how could one resist?
Full lineup HERE
3-10pm // All Ages // Donate