Monday has arrived, which means it’s time for a dose of experimental goodness courtesy of The Series on Mondays! Taking up residence at Weirdo Records in Cambridge tonight will be CHILL CITY ICON, a trio from Lowell who mix the visual with the auditory, the electro with the acoustic, in service of retuning and reformatting your senses to the proper state of weirdness. Listen close and watch the images form in real time as Brett Mason crafts hand-made wonders that engage in an improvisational dialogue with the simmering, malleable mass of sound emanating from Travis Hagan and Kevin Dacey’s set ups. Employing a variety of percussive and abstract sounds, Hagan and Dacey are a dynamic duo off of which Mason feeds instantaneously.
So come out to your favorite freaky record store in Cambridge to see some multi-faceted experimentation go down thanks to our Lowell homies, CHILL CITY ICON, tonight at Weirdo Records!
8pm // All Ages // $5 Suggested Donation