Boston can safely claim to be a world-class music town. Universities galore, many with solid music programs, helps; but having both NEC and BERKLEE together here really nails it. This evening, LEE HYLA and STEPHEN DRURY, both faculty at NEC, bear for us fruit from their branch of this great tree. ‘MIGRACIÓN’ is a newly commissioned work composed by Prof. Hyla, and the third to be unveiled in the series ‘Stir’ hosted by The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and performed by THE CALLITHUMPIAN CONSORT, as directed by Prof. Drury. One might infer from the piece’s name that some Latin elements will likely be found integrated. The Callithumpian Consort is an ensemble specializing in new music, of the sort often referred to as avant-garde. It’s a safe bet that this will not be easy-listening twaddle; however, if you’ve an interest in top-notch experimental chamber music, this will be right up your alley.
7pm // All Ages // $15 ($5 student) // FB