The biennial New England Animation Festival returns to showcase recent work from nineteen renowned and emerging local artists. This year’s festival is the largest yet since its inception in 1998 with work spanning a variety of animation techniques including stop-motion, collage, full-cell animation, and digital technologies. Among the animator’s selected in this stellar program is Daniel Sousa, whose recent work Feral (2013) was nominated for Best Short Film in Animation at the 2014 Academy Awards. Close out the long holiday weekend with some stellar locally sourced animation!
Featured Artists: Phillip Ahn, Leah Artwick, Lily Featherson, Joel Frenzer, Jake Fried, Steve Gentile, Alexander Horan, Luke Jaeger, Gina Kamentsky, Eric Ko, Sonnye Lim, Ruth Lingford, Oliver Luo, Africanus Okokon, Lorelei Pepi, Michael Ribeiro, Norah Solorzano, Daniel Sousa, and Steven Subotnick.
3pm // All Ages // $5 ICA Members + Students / $10 Nonmembers
Daniel Sousa– Feral (2013)
Lorelei Pepi – Happy & Gay (2014)
Steven Subotnick – Lake (2013)
Gina Karmentsky – Jiro Visits the Dentist (2014)