Over the last several years, Mexico has developed one of the most impressive punk scenes in the world, featuring such bands as Tercer Mundo, Inservibles, Muerte, YHWH, and Cremalleras. 2014 continues to deliver soon-to-be-classics from these bands with the release of Tercer Mundo’s debut LP, Ser Nosotros Mismos (out now on Cintas Pepe), the second LP from Inservibles, and the EP follow-up to Muerte’s demo. For those familiar with Tercer Mundo’s hard-to-find EP, you can expect more of their vaguely garage rock infused hardcore punk – the garage vibe heightened by the reverbed vocals, noisy production, and snotty guitar soloing. The album incorporates more elements of classic Mexican hardcore, with some of the riffs sounding like better recorded Xenofobia tracks mixed with Inservibles, and is often less dense and frenzied. While its hard to say this is an improvement over their 7”, one of the best hardcore records of the last 4-5 years, Ser Nosotros Mismos is at least on par with it and strong candidate my album of the year.
“DSM” showcases the many individual styles of Brockton’s Van Buren Records
It has been a fruitful 18 months for the Brockton super-collective Van Buren Records. Their two 2021 records, Bad For Press and Black Wall…