BOSTON/NE BANDS, Interview, Interview

Seefour’s take on Covid Times

The Brockton rapper is continuing to make connections @ a distance.


This interview was conducted over several weeks via an email conversation.

Dan Shea:
So who are and where are?
And a follow up, how has this pandemic affected your music making life, your work life and life in general?

I’m SeeFour a Artist from Brockton Ma

The COVID pandemic has switched the way artists interact with each other and communicate. There’s been more lives via social medias and dope video interactions since everything has happen. But I feel In these most trying times everybody has been doing a good job staying calm and developing more productive relationships with each other as artists in the community. Separated but still One. Work life is still the same just working from home and utilizing the resources we have like FaceTime group chats etc. I believe for sanity and health everyone should take the time to reflect and evaluate themselves. This pandemic has given people a chance to take time for their self’s and reconstruct before going back out into the world.

I hear that, definitely a lot more time for introspection for many people.
Have you been doing live streams? How have you been connecting with other people during this time?

Yes I have. I’ve been doing this thing on via social medias called “Vibes & Live” and it’s just me rapping to beats people send to turn into potential songs or me freestyling. I’ve been connecting with other people through music and unity.

That’s awesome! What a great way to connect through all of this. How’s it been working out? You think you’re hitting it off with anyone that might turn into any longer term collaborations? are the folks you’re interacting with just from around here, or from all over the place?

It’s been working out good for me. I think since artist are more stationed we have more time to connect with each other. Yes I’ve met many people over the time of being quarantined and it’s been dope to collab to the point where we not even seeing each other. And it’s from all over from Boston to UK , LA and more.

That is really awesome. And these connections probably wouldn’t have happened if not for this crisis right? Insane.
So you think a release(s) will come out of this time?

Whoa re you quarantined with? How is everyone doing?

Has your work life been affected at all?

No I believe they wouldn’t because everything happens for a reason. Yeah a lot of releases are dropping Rn as things are still going which is good I’m proud of everyone working through the pandemic. I’m Quarantined with my family. And everyone is doing good. My work life has been affected just by physical appearance, I do work where it’s very hands on. But we getting through it.

SeeFour · Dont Play

I’m still out there working too. More power to you, and stay safe.

It is very heartening to see creativity continue to flourish despite everything that is going on around us. Many things are obviously being stopped cold by this virus and its ripple affects, but not the creative spirit. The raw creative spirit is separate unto itself from all the bullshit of and in the world, and as the bullshit continues to fall away due to the virus, what’s left? We’re left. And creativity is being given some extra room to breathe. I don’t know what this ordeal is going to do to social music events in the long run, but I really think that creative people are going to come away from this time renewed in a big way. Any thoughts on this?

Who are you listening to during the pandemic? And who/ what should we be paying attention to as far performers who are doing live stream stuff (and where can we check out yours when you do them)?

I agree with you. 100% and me personally I’m very positive about things like this. Everyone will come back bigger and better.

Artist I’m listening to I Quarantine
.Lance Jackson
.Van Burren
.Brandie Blaze
.Red Shaydez
.Latrell James
.Kashi 2x
.Milkshaw Benedict
.$ean Wire
.Najee Janey
.Jefe Replay
.Billy Dean
.Treva Holmes
.Notebook P

Sofar Boston is doing a great job for live streams. Sofar sounds as a organization period Is doing a good job.

I recently did one here’s the link

Any Music Or Updates

Great stuff. Thanks for all of these artists to check out. Haven’t hear some of them!

I’m glad you had a good experience with Sofar. I’m personally very turned off by their operations. If you’re interested have a read
of this Liz Pelly article to get a more of an understanding of where I’m coming from:

Anything to leave us with in closing up shop here? It’s been great talking to you. Stay Safe!

Ill definitely check it out. And I would say everyone be safe and stay inside. And for all artist sanity is important take care yourself.


Stay up to date on what SeeFor is up to here:

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