A experiment that pays off handsomely

Writer-director Eddie Alcazar has crafted a brand new world with Divinity, a fascinating film that I’m not entirely sure is successful, but is fantastic to look at and appreciate. Alcazar takes the exact risks modern filmmaking should be taking, as does Steven Soderbergh, who funded the film and executive produced.
In a strange future (or perhaps alternate universe), scientist Sterling Pierce (Scott Bakula) has devised a serum called “Divinity” that could make human beings immortal. His son Jaxxon (Stephen Dorff) now distributes Divinity, causing a major class divide dystopia. However, he is kidnapped by two brothers (Moises Arias and Jason Genao) who plan to end Jaxxon’s control of this planet and restore balance to the universe. Bella Thorne is also present.

Much of the film features Dorff tied to a chair, naked and afraid, monologuing about his perfect world and begging for his life. For many viewers (me), this is plenty for a feature film. Shot on 16mm black-and-white film, Divinity has a totally unique look with high contrasts between bright lights and darkest shadows. The film’s desert setting is crisp and strange, truly feeling like an alien world. Made without a script, it’s not really the kind of movie where you’re taken by the dialogue, but the visuals make up for any shortcomings. Just accept the film on its wavelength and you’ll get something special.
I was sad to miss Divinity at Sundance, but glad I could catch up before its proper release. If I weren’t already taken by Dorff’s gut hanging out while he talks about immortality, I would have been hooting and hollering at the wild stop motion fight sequence that makes up the climax. Alcazar was given a great sandbox to play around in, and he made the most of it.
Dir. Eddie Alcazar
87 min
Screens at midnight 11/10 & 11/18 @ Somerville Theatre