ROUNDUP: The Brattle Theatre’s (Some of) The Best of 2024
Runs 1/15-1/30 @ Brattle
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Runs 1/15-1/30 @ Brattle
Poop: From a Butt
Another smashing handmade adventure from the best studio across the pond
The blue blur confronts his greatest foe yet in another fast paced thrill ride
"We just found people that wanted to support art, which I think is the future of indie filmmaking"
"People are seeking something new."
Janky sequel brings the DTV era to theaters
"At the time, it was both barrels point blank from all the critics. They couldn't kill it enough."
A beautiful romance has a turgid ending
10/3-10/6 @ Charles Theatre Baltimore!
Animated animal friends and international (im)morality plays!
The apocalypse, white supremacists, and lovely sweaters!