The SEDIMENT CLUB are a band fond of jagged rhythms. Their post-punk/no wave
assault is a stark one full of ragged yell-speak, large amounts of
funkiness that is born only to be dismantled by song’s end, squiggly guitars that
by turns tell of records listened to by the Pop Group and DNA alike. The vocals
are dispassionate but sometimes find their way to and drink from a small spring of
melody. The bass bops along creating a clatter and a funk with the drummer and the
keyboards go off in every direction, often sparring with the guitar. “Orphan’s Tongue” from
the WFMU live set below is quite desperate and unhinged. The song is angry, but catchy,
bored, but full of chaos. Messthetics style clatter punk done smartly and with style. Can’t wait to
see these New Yorkers for the first time @ HOMEGROWN III in October!
“DSM” showcases the many individual styles of Brockton’s Van Buren Records
It has been a fruitful 18 months for the Brockton super-collective Van Buren Records. Their two 2021 records, Bad For Press and Black Wall…