Alexandra Drewchin, the Brooklyn-based vocalist for cosmic noise ensemble Guardian Alien (featuring Greg Fox on drums), is soon to release a new album under her Eartheater pseudonym. Slated to come out on February 24, it’s titled Metalepsis and will be released in CD and tape format by Hausu Mountain. It’s all quite dreamy and rad with its playful lyricism and dynamic slew of sounds.
On opener “Macro EV,” Drewchin’s clean, meandering guitar drifts through swells of humming, mewling loops, capturing the nocturnal magic that comes with fooling around with delay pedals with friends in the wee hours of summertime. The second track, “Homonyms,” launches into a more overt singer-songwriter affair, showcasing Drewchin’s beautifully harmonized and hushed voice amidst a host of electronic tricks.
This sort of juxtaposition of styles remains consistent throughout the album, drawing together fragments from a multitude of contemporary paradigms, from drone to noise to dreampop to abstract beats (on “Sigil Life”), all of which synergize into a lush and cohesive whole. This theme of different things coming together appears again on closer “Infinity,” where Drewchin serenades on time, metaphysics and technology (“Atom. Atom. Atom, and evolution. Cosmic configuration, universal information”) above ponderous guitar and synth, eventually bringing things to a close on a note of melancholy.
While Drewchin’s guitar and vocals are the glue holding everything together, their appearances are relatively fleeting, which only makes the album sound all the more mysterious. The whole thing has this submerged-sounding quality, as though heard through water or glass. All in all it’s a hugely soothing listen and a well-curated collection of musical references, beautiful in its harmonies and intuitive in its stylistic scope.