You are a leeetle junky-fly buzz-buzzin’-”OH? What’s this? Over in that deserted outdoor swimming’s some freaky alien plant-life, all eyes and limbs gesticulating at YOU..and in need of a damn-good pollinating.” This is a possible premise for ‘Adviser’, a music video directed by the mysterious NONDOR NEVAI, and the latest for CELLULAR CHAOS, which takes you on a 1st-person flier assault of the band as their tightly-crafted spaz punk mounts urgency upon urgency into your earholes. Brooklyn’s CELLULAR CHAOS started as an exotic alloy of no-wave’s WEASEL WALTER and avant-garde jazz’s MARC EDWARDS. Relative youngsters, bassist KELLY MORAN and multidisciplinary-art-rocker ADMIRAL GREY energetically undermine your security from the low- and high-ends disrespectfully. You chase. They move. They look funny at you. You dive in for more nectar, and how sweet it is. Be advised, CELLULAR CHAOS heads a triple-threat bill with THE CHANNELS and TINSEL TEETH this Saturday (1/4) @ LILYPAD (hassle night) 10pm // All Ages // $5-10 sliding scale.
Full Vendor List for the Hassle Flea on Halloween @ the Middle East Down
FULL VENDOR LIST for Hassle Market // Halloween 10/31/21 // Central Square // @mideastclub ///////// IT’S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! @Kaychainz5000 @painchain…