Okay, there’s a TANK. How can you not love a show which has a freakin’ TANK in it? Of course it’s not a real tank, but still. And the best part, is the tank’s placement. You shall not ignore the TANK, nossir!
On a mid-March Friday night, Waltham’s Lincoln Arts Project celebrated the opening of their 9-Artist show A WOMAN’S ARMS. Like the title implies, this all-woman show curated by artist/art-commentator Robert Moeller, features guns as part of a collection of mixed-metaphor works, many of which aim to blur gender associations. Take Emmy Bright’s portrait of friend and show cohort J.R. Uretsky for example, “Dude”. J.R. themselves was in character that night (essentially being me) as Jeremy, an enthusiastic reporter-dude with cameraperson in-tow getting up in artist’s grills. Much of J.R. Uretsky’s video work involves playful costumery. Her piece in this show, ‘Jesus Cleans Your Apartment’ however, explores the role of ‘servant’ in disturbing and iconoclastic ways. Getting back to the TANK… no, shouldn’t spoil it. Just come and see this creation of a Karley Klopfenstein for yourself!
Ignoring the giant penis in the room for the moment, there was a performance-art piece by Sandrine Schaefer in which she secreted herself within a toppled Doric column of whitewashed trash cans and video-blogged live online. A Delphine vibe emanated from the channeled introverse of this work which spoke not only to feminist themes but also from historical and modern virtualization ideals.

On view 3/13-4/26
Gallery hours: Thurs.-Sat., noon-6pm