The most stuttering electronic dance music of the last few years, outside of what the likes of DJ NATE have offered up, has to come from the cassette and electronics shuffle which FORM A LOG engages in while pulling off their thing. Tapes whir, grooves drop from the ether, syncopation boils over and implodes. The music made by these three of Providence, Philly, and Chattanooga is the weirdest funk, the most wonky groove that you’ll ever not be able to resist moving your body to. The trio is in Europe now spreading their spliced and unspooled good time across that continent. They stopped in Jamaica Plain last week for the monthly SCANNERS night that we BOSTON HASSLE-ers throw w/ OPEN LOOP. The packed basement was floored by their set as you can tell from checking out the live vid above. May the LOG return safely to these American shores post-haste so that we may once again bask in the beat-y curiosity that they are! Spread that on a piece of bread and have it for lunch why don’t ya?
WENT THERE: Alice Diop @ the HFA
Appeared screening SAINT OMER 4/10