Absolute throat throttle happening out in front of a West Coast punk approach. WEIRD TV is from Olympia, or were. I guess they left, but where to, who knows? The internet is not telling as hard as I try. And that vocal smash? Yeah, she’s making mouth sounds in Spanish. I’ve read some descriptors of this band’s music, and I have to say I just don’t hear what I’ve been reading about in this music. To me this is some hybrid of more mid-tempo proto-punk, and a crusty kind of 90s hardcore. Yeah, really like THE STOOGES or CHROME etc. gone through a generations of hardcore filter, and then there’s the singer. Probably off putting to certain large segment of the population (basically the segment that doesn’t “do” raw punk to begin with), this is a vocal ATTACK. The Spanish language approach by a band once of the Northwest is itself novelty enough, but when paired with the ferocity of a demon lioness I can’t seem to turn away. I’m not even sure I’m enjoying the singing most of the time, but this is a force of nature situation. Cool Olympia label PERENNIAL DEATH threw WEIRD TV’s latest thing, an untitled 12″, on the punk pyre. So they’re the one’s to blame. The record actually came out sometime in earlier 2012 so this a late rundown and not the freshest of streams, but better late than never someone once said. And in the world of music releases such a statement couldn’t be more true. This band could very well not be a band anymore, which would be sad, but if that’s the case they probably constitute parts of like 5 other bands at this point. Someone knows out there, leave a comment and set me straight.
Cool review of my old band! Thanks. I teach music now for a living. It would be cool to do another band like this. We all went our separate ways. I had a bad drug/alcohol problem during this time but the music saved me. Thanks for listening.