Ok, so I will begin by apologizing that this full album is not yet streaming, but I really didn’t want to pass up the chance to share the 3 songs that are currently available with you all. WAU Y LOS ARRRGHS are about to release their 3rd LP on SLOVENLY in a couple of weeks. This Spanish band is a stomping good time, with one foot in the 60’s, the other in the asylum. If you’re like me and you prefer your music to sound like it’s being made by a bunch of escaped serial killers, you will love this band. If you have any appreciation whatsoever for anything that screams 1966 (or screams in general), you will love this band. If you’re a sucker for a good organ, you will love this band.
All 3 of these preview tracks are incredible but the guitar in the beginning of “Tres Cabezas” has really stolen my heart, and everything else about this has basically kidnapped my brain, I’d like to live in this song for the rest of the day. I really want to make the singer a nice cup of tea with honey and lemon, if you listen to this you’ll know exactly what I mean. Until I learn otherwise, I’m just going to assume his vocal chords are bleeding all over the place, 100 percent of the time.