Fresh Stream

Vacation – Mouth Sounds #2699



Vacation is the kind of band where all it takes is one song and you’re hooked forever. They play with a raucous energy as if it is their birthright. There’s something special about this band who seem to effortlessly write melodies in a style they call “grit pop” which makes you think where the hell did they come from?

Well the short answer is Cincinnati, Oh, but the band has been building up a fervent fanbase and impressive discography over the past eight years. It’s easy to see why they have such a dedicated following, delivering these perfect lo-fi power pop songs at one turn and throwing out kerosene fueled punk tunes next. Often they save time and just combine the two different genres into one. However their voice appears, Vacation infuses this singalong rawness into every track which is what makes them so appealing. It’s that thirst of not knowing what’s next — but knowing that you’re going to love it.

Escapism has always been a part of rock and Mouth Sounds #2699 gives us that much needed break from our mundane lives. “Action Road” is the invincible anthem taking your head on an endorphin joyride down a large and empty stretch of road. Instant mood changers like “Deflector Head” and “Leisure Miles”are the light switch that turn any day into a fantastic one. They even leave room for a moment of beauty with “My Fake Life” that feels like finding shelter in the middle of a downpour.  It’s worth listening until the very end as well if only to hear their warped humor on “A Lap as Ken Worthy.”

A punk spirit (if not sound) runs through the spine of the record here but by someone who could equally appreciate a good Elvis Costello song. Vacation might be the best band you haven’t heard yet but that can easily be fixed.


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