Women Pissing, out on Fusty Cunt Tapes, is essentially what you’d expect from a collaboration between noise stalwarts The Rita and Prurient: The Rita’s patented harsh noise wall sound with Prurient doing power electronics vocals. The two tracks were recorded a few years ago, before Fernow’s move away from harsh noise and towards electronica. At times Prurient’s contributions feel like an afterthought, especially on the a-side. It generally works as an accent to The Rita’s HNW, which itself more than makes up for any momentary lacking. The b-side is the real strength of Women Pissing, showing both artists at their collaborative best as well as being two strong individual efforts. The track’s wall of low end feedback is contrasted with Fernow’s vocals, merging with the more dynamic high end feedback, to create a more engaging work. Recommended for fans of either artist, or the genre in general.