Boston’s SQUIRTYWORM writhes in the ashes of some of its creators’ former main project, HO-AG. That band charged hard for years crafting its unique and kinetic blend of math and noise rock. SQUIRTYWORM staggers in a much less spastic direction though. This band is looking for the grove and they are finding it. Subterranean synths, loping drum beats, some slide guitar, and some fuzz are combined, and a strange groove machine is born. The band appears to be completely instrumental, and I am taking to their funky, at times doom-y brand of weirdness. A 10 song album is available on their bandcamp (it’s called SQUIRTY WORM), and hopefully one of us will hunt that down, but for now let’s turn to this video of theirs. “Kiss A Car” features a simple pounding beat, some wah wah rhythm guitar, and a fuzzy slide lead. The approach is different! Points! And the groove, as I’ve said, is true. The video is simply edited together bits of some 20s?, or 30s? film involving a cross dressing suicidal trapeze artist. More points! I haven’t seen them live yet, have you? Perhaps we’ll catch them together soon. Also, SQUIRTYWORM, I can’t find any info about you. You are so secretive. What are you hiding? If you find this message in a bottle let me know. I need answers. SQUIRTY WORM was released by HIVE 35 RECORDINGS. Video by Stu Exsavieres.
2023 YEAR ENDER – Father Alexander
McDonald’s Free Wifi Is A Family Tradition