Another dispatch in advance of QUILT‘s upcoming new release on MEXICAN SUMMER, HELD IN SPLENDOR. This time the advance tune is called “Tired and Buttered” and it is definitely an up-tempo track for this trio of Bostonians who generally take a pretty languid musical approach. One could even claim jangling garage pop as the proper descriptive phrase and heads would not turn. The vocal attack is juiced up here as well, alongside just a little bit of delightfully fuzzy organ. Things do veer into more QUILT-y territory on the bridge, but the sojourn is brief and things kickback into gear for the finish. For those of you not lucky enough to be able to see them all the time catch QUILT on a month long tour of the entire USofA in February. The new album comes out end of January, and guess what?! I’m looking forward to it!
Nineteen Pages: The Oral History of Drop Nineteens 1989-2024
As it happened, the winds of change brought Drop Nineteens’ founder Greg Ackell to Boston from Northfield Mount Hermon, a coed boarding…