Within the initial minute of “We’re Good Men”, the first of three tracks featured on Lord Dion’s House of Discovery, you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect over the course of this brief EP. Battered guitar riffs, rapid drumming, and vocal echoes too reverberated to decipher set the initial tone, clanging away as a soaring shout-a-long “woahhhh woahhh-ohhh-ohhh-ohh” lights up the sky. This one minute microcosm neatly sums up the formula Quailbones successfully utilize for the content and hooks of Lord Dion.
Based out of Murray, KY, Quailbones tear it up here with uptempo garage rock and haunted Beach Boys vocal melodies for 9 frenzied minutes, like a gang of landlocked ghosts gunning for a coastline to terrorize. The combination of completely blown out vocals (honestly, just try to decipher a single line), a consistent velocity, and similarly written melodies causes the entire EP blend together like a three-part suite. Once that inaugural “woahhhhhh” is launched, it is best to simply unfocus the mind and let the ghosts have their fun.
The 7” is available in the US courtesy of Ghost Orchard Records, while the digital album is available here.