NYC hardcore bunch. Released a demo in 2013. WASTE their second tape came out earlier in 2014. PLEASURE INDUSTRY have self-released both efforts, bringing an askew HC to the table. Their sound is a little muddy for my ears, but in every other way they are getting it right.
WASTE definitely sounds better than the demo (‘natch), and it’s still the sludgy down trodden and lumbering facet of their sound that gets me the most. The KATORGA WORKS legion and all those TOXIC STATE and IRON LUNG heads should for sure get a hold. “Baby” simmers with menace for all of its 4.5 minutes. Rumbling bass exposed as the guitar serves primarily to produce ambient feedback here. Vocals are properly desperate (“I’m having a baby!,” though I don’t think he’s in the best state of mind about the whole thing…). When the guitar does poke through it sounds pretty great. Lots of strangely strange guitar moments all over this 6 song tape. If I’m not mistaken this guitar player is a closet weird chord-er, splashing interesting examples all across WASTE, but covertly, stashing them behind the blown out recording and beneath the racket that the rest of his bandmates are making. Or maybe I’m wrong. Either way, WASTE is full of pummeling, noisy hardcore that’s plenty off-kilter for use in staving off the boredom that could very well be affecting even YOU.