Noise punk-sludge rock heros PISSED JEANS, they of Pennsylvania’s Allentown, come to Boston on 11/2 to play @ the Cambridge Elks Lodge for BOSTON HASSLE FEST. Anyway, these guys are a few records in at this point recording for ye olde SUB POP and they are still thrashing madly reminding everyone of the pillars(NIRVANA, MUDHONEY, etc.) that that label was built upon. I like a bunch of stuff on SUB POP and have in the last few years, but this gang is one of the few, if only link the label currently holds to that loud, heralded past. This band is nasty, harsh at times, loud, messy and beautiful. A supremely talented PUNK band like they do not often make, nor ever have they. The elusive ability to meld the LOUD loves of the LOUD music loving fan is their special talent, and who does it better these days? Nobody that’s who. You probably already love PISED JEANS, but if you don’t then, jesus, go see them at HOMEGROWN 4: BOSTON HASSLE FEST this weekend for jesus’ god darn sake!